Monday, November 3, 2008

Poverty Quiz

As part of our research for Rich Task one of our class members has found a quiz about world poverty.
Click on the link and try the quiz to learn more about world poverty. After each question read the information carefully. I suggest you do the quiz with an older family member and discuss the quiz together.

Write a comment reflecting on what you have seen and read. Was anything surprising to you? How do you feel about what you have learnt? Can anything be done to help?

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Recently the TV programme Fair Go screened the Best and Worst TV advertisements.
These advertisements can be seen on the following web page:

Which advertisements did you like the best? Give your reasons why?
Make your vote for the best TV Advertisement on the class poll on the left of this page.

Which advertisements did you think were the worst? Give your reasons why?

Were there any other advertisments you think should have been on the list for Best advertisement? Can you describe the advert', what happens, what is it advertising, and why it is one of the best?

This term our Rich Task focus is
"Should All Children Play?"

I would like to hear your thoughts about play.

1. Can you define what is "play"?

2. Is there a difference between play and sport?

3. What are some of your favourite games to play? What is common about these games?

4. Should you always have the right to play?

5. What if only adults were allowed to play?

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Discussing a Maori Proverb

We have been discussing Maori proverbs as part of our Rich Task and Philosophy.
Read the proverb below. What does it mean to you? Why is knowledge and communication important? Can you give an example of the ideas suggested in this proverb? Can you explain why might you agree or disagree with this proverb?

He aha te kai ō te rangatira? He Kōrero, he kōrero, he kōrero.
(What is the food of the leader? It is knowledge. It is communication.)

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Rich Task Term 3.

"How am I important in and to the community?"

To begin this topic we have discussed our sense of belonging to groups.

Which groups do you belong to?

Is there a difference between a sense of belonging and actual belonging?

Monday, June 2, 2008


Last term we had an amazing camp at Shakespear Lodge.
What were some of the best things about camp for you? What would you like to continue now that camp has finished? What would you love to doat your next school camp?

How good was your packaging last term?

How well do you think we did last term:
Did you manage to create a package that kept a frozen food item cold, or a hot food item warm? Was your packaging well made?
Did it look good?