Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Discussing a Maori Proverb

We have been discussing Maori proverbs as part of our Rich Task and Philosophy.
Read the proverb below. What does it mean to you? Why is knowledge and communication important? Can you give an example of the ideas suggested in this proverb? Can you explain why might you agree or disagree with this proverb?

He aha te kai ō te rangatira? He Kōrero, he kōrero, he kōrero.
(What is the food of the leader? It is knowledge. It is communication.)


fandgs cool blog said...


Frankie here. I think that "What is the food of the leader" is supposed to mean "What is the strengths of the leader" Which is like knowledge and speaking skills.

I agree with this proverb because a good leader would have those skills but i also disagree because anyone can be a leader if they try.

alle said...


I think that 'what is the food of the leader? It is knowledge. It is communication.' means that leadership is a role fed by knowledge and communication. Which means you have to know information and communicate well to become a good leader.

Knowledge is important to a leader because your followers look up to you for good advice and in the olden day’s people relied on the leader to know what was going to happen e.g. if an enemy was coming. You need to be a good communicator because a lot of people rely on you to know what is going on. If people do not know what is going on things will not run smoothly.

I agree with this proverb because people have to feel comfortable that there leader knows enough to keep them safe and help them grow.

He/she needs to pass this information onto other people.

Bye for now,

maggie moo said...

I agree with Frankie because there are lot of strengths and knowledge that makes them a leader. Eg compassion and empathy
